Student Leadership

Student Leadership

November 13, 2021

Student leadership at the Academy is a significant strength.  This was most notable at the last Model United Nations event held on the school premises and organised by the students of TEA.  Recently a number of significant student leadership posts were filled including the Head / Deputy Head Girl and Head / Deputy Head Boy positions.  For the 2021 - 22 academic year I am pleased to confirm that:

Hashem Abdulraheim is the Head Boy;

Lulwah Al Rashidi is the Head Girl;

Amir Kaasamani is the Deputy Head Boy;

Renad Ghandar is the Deputy Head Girl.

In addition, the prefects for the 2021 - 22 academic year have been appointed, & are now engaged in a range of tasks and assignments to ensure that the school is effectively managed.   

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