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At the heart of the communityInspiring
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At the heart of the communityInspiring
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At the heart of the communityInspiring
Future Leaders

At the heart of the communityInspiring
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Student Leadership

Student leadership at the Academy is a significant strength. This was most notable at the last Model United Nations event held on the school premises and organised by the students of TEA. Recently a number of significant student leadership posts were filled including the Head / Deputy Head Girl and Head / Deputy Head Boy positions. For the 2021 - 22 academic year I am pleased to confirm that: Hashem Abdulraheim is the Head Boy; Lulwah Al Rashidi is the Head Girl; Amir Kaasamani is the Deputy Head Boy; Renad Ghandar is the Deputy Head Girl. In addition, the prefects for the 2021 - 22 academic year have been appointed, & are now engaged in a range of tasks and assignments to ensure that the school is effectively managed.

Ministry of Health - Spot Check Visit - Successful Outcome

Today two officials from the Ministry of Health carried out a spot check to ensure that the school premises and school procedures were in line with Ministry COVID-19 guidelines and protocols. During the spot check various documentation was analysed, along with the school's procedures when dealing with COVID-19 matters. An inspection of the premises was undertaken that included the school Isolation Room and clinic. I am pleased to report that following the inspection the school received a glowing report with the officials identifying many instances of highly effective practice. I would like to thank all the members of staff who made this possible, especially the role and contribution of Madam Randa.

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Parents Saying

Thank you for your email which shows that you are keen in communicating with the parents and care about the problem we face. I’m really happy that we joined the school this year thanks again .

Email correspondence

I am a mother of two children in elementary and secondary school, I would like to thank you and all the staff for the efforts for making online learning easy for students. The past two weeks were clear evidence of the efforts and the success of this process. From my personal side, I find that my children have benefited a lot from the lessons provided, so that they relied on themselves a lot in the studies. I want the kids to get the maximum benefit from the academic year, not just finishing the year and getting a certificate. I want to thank you for making the students benefit from all the lessons, even art and PE, as it was fun for them and important as well, so I hope these will continue. I hope there aren't any changes in the current system, because we are with your system followed and even working hours, it is satisfactory for me.

Email correspondence

Reading your last email today; I realized that I was too late thanking you for all your efforts to ease this term as much as you can on our kids. Having 2 kids in Year 3 & Year 5, I had my doubts regarding the school’s decision of online learning as a normal school day. I was simply afraid that my kids would lose focus and interest in completing the whole day in front of the PC. As a concerned parent, I took one week annual leave from my work, just because I couldn’t believe that I would be in my work while my 2 kids are setting alone taking online courses with a teacher they never met before, I thought they will just leave the session out of boredom after an hour or so. What really happened is that I was amazed by the enthusiastic teachers you have among your staff and how they managed to grab their students’ attention and drive engagement. Their excitement and passion were contagious; that they managed not only to give them the fuel to stay focused & energetic during the lessons, but also to turn on their curiosity and engage them in the classroom. A simple Thank you is not enough for me to express my deep appreciation for you and all TEA staff who have really made a difference in my kids’ school life. Building trust is a process, and I can proudly say after 3 years that I trust TEA’s judgements & decisions with my two kids. Have a nice weekend. .

Email correspondence
Kuwait City

I would like to thank you and express my gratitude for the great starting week of this new online school year. We understand the challenges that you are facing in this critical time, but you have succeeded in managing a great school plan regarding their timetables, including active live PE lessons that allow our children to make some energetic activities while being at home beside the Art, Graphics and Nutrition that encourages & nourishes their creativity and allowed our child to enjoy the online learning and feel as if she is in school. A true well established and implemented plan. We highly appreciate all the great efforts that you, the teachers and the whole school staff are exerting to provide our children with the best education possible. God bless you all.

Email correspondence

I'm really proud of your online learning level, "masha allah" you have exceeded our expectations. I have some mothers who have transferred their children from TEA this year, if only you can hear their complains and frustration even though they went to one of the most famous English schools in Kuwait! Last year [2019 - 20] TEA online learning was a bit weak but understandable according to the sudden crisis and circumstances, but now, you have raised it to a whole new level and I'm sure it took a lot of effort from you and the teachers. My children are extremely happy with their teachers, to be honest my daughter feels happy when the class starts ! That's something new to me :) So thank you, please keep it up, don't let the negative feedback holds you down, you can never satisfy everyone. Again thank you and good luck

Email correspondence

At last I just want to thank each and each one of the TEA working team since 2020. You are all doing a great job and I really appreciate your hard work for our kids .

Email correspondence

News and Events


20230914 Principal's Update

20230914 Principal's Update

20230608 Principal's Update

20230608 Principal's Update

20230511 Principal's Update

20230511 Principal's Update
February 2025

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